Saturday, July 13, 2013

A Quick note on Mortgages....

"Here’s a quick note to let you know how I can help you—or anyone you feel comfortable introducing me to. Buyers who are shopping for a lender may wonder why initial estimates of their price range vary from lender to lender. The answer is two-fold. On one hand, exact figures are not possible until a lender sees a buyer’s documentation of debt, income, and credit. Even small issues can cause interest rate variations, so any figures given without documentation are estimates. On the other hand, interest rates fluctuate daily, so one lender can give one estimate today, and a different lender a different estimate tomorrow. The best thing a buyer can do is provide a qualified mortgage consultant with all relevant data and paperwork, to get an accurate figure based on real data, not guesswork. That lender can help them lock in a low rate and hold it." Thinking on Selling or Purchasing Real Estate in South Florida? ..... please contact me, Espie Franky Luxury Realtor, BBA Dir: 305-283-5868 Email: One Premier International Realty